Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I was running late this morning. Had to stop by the grocery store for one more ingredient for the dish I was making for my small group tonite. I had a couple of old batteries, so I stopped at the library next to the grocery store. They have a used battery drop box. Of course, since I was in a hurry, I dropped one of the batteries, which rolled under my car. I thought about just driving away...after all I was going to be late for work. But, God wouldn't let me. I pulled forward, retrieved the battery, and dropped it in the box. As I looked up to go back to my car, I saw a pond with a solitary, snow-white swan gliding silently across until it disappeared behind some reeds. It was a beautiful, serene, calming sight. I stopped to thank God for that moment. A moment I would have missed if He hadn't encouraged me to stop and do the right thing. I love when He rewards us like that!
I happily made my way to the office. I pulled into a spot way down at the end, opened the door, stuck my foot out.....uh, oh.....something was not right. I looked down and there was my heel in the center of a pile of crap! For real--a huge pile of crap. (Other witnesses attribute it to a human, but my mind can't go there...I have to imagine that some Great Dane was running loose in our parking lot.) I got out of the car, grabbed a plastic bag and a spare shoe from my trunk and stopped to decide what to do. This was disgusting. I thought about just moving my car to a new parking space. But, God wouldn't let me. I went inside to clean off my shoe and gather some cleaning products. I had to ask one of the bosses for his key to the storage room where the paper towels were stored. I looked so ridiculous as I stood there with one playtex glove on (could only find one), a couple of garbage bags, a bottle of 409, and a thoroughly disgusted look on my face. My boss cracked up when I told him why I needed the paper towels. He kept apologizing for laughing but he couldn't stop. Then the whole office heard about it. Everyone was laughing. I ended up laughing too. My two dear friends, Mandy and Vicki, came out to provide support. Vicki even held the garbage bag for me while I cleaned up.
It's only been a few hours, but already I have had the opportunity to talk to two of my co-workers about why I did this. I am sure that alot more people will hear about it before the day is out. Everyone in my office knows I am a Christian. Who knew that cleaning a pile of crap would be one of the ways God would choose for me to live out my faith and testify about Him? I thank God for these opportunities to speak of and for Him. Opportunites I would have missed if He hadn't encouraged me to stop and do the right thing. I love when He rewards us like that!
You should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven.--Matthew 5:16


Tracey, in MI said...

Yep- cleaning up crap--- sounds like ministry to me!

Kidding, kidding, kind of...somewhat....ok i'm not.

But- I wish I could have seen the look on your face. Your FIRST responses are HILARIOUS.. you kno- the ones BEFORE you get all "MATURE"....and clean stuff up--

But- really it's a love fest- you really ARE and incredible woman of God.

Vicki Sue said...

Everyone be on the lookout!! For a 180 pound Great Dane running around local businesses in Romulus, and crapping in the parking lots. Please notify Kathy immediately 555-5555.

tina fabulous said...

and this is why women always have an extra everything in their car.

after a morning like that, i would have been waiting for ashton kutcher to appear and tell me i was being punk'd.