Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Monday, March 22, 2010


So, I think I may have told you that I really do not sing well. I like to tell people that Rachel was the only baby who ever cried when mom sang a lullaby.
Last night we discovered that not only can I not sing a tune, I cannot tap a tune either! Rachel introduced me to this game on her Ipod. "Hail to the Chief" was the one that made her fall out in side-splitting laughter.
While we are sure she got her musical genes from her dad, we KNOW she got her laughter genes from me!
Image taken from here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


She's read the book. She plays the music. She's seen the movie.
Time for her to see the stage play!!
Image taken from here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


On Optimism:
"...Edward Morrow's definition of an optimist--'someone who tells you to cheer up when things are going his way'..." pg. 51 Can Man Live Without God by Ravi Zacharias.
On Pessimism:
"...Hey, if it wasn't for pessimists, we wouldn't have flush toilets! Everyone would have been satisified with the status quo." Kaymc
Image taken from here.

Monday, January 05, 2009


I am NOTORIOUS for guessing presents. My first married Christmas, my mother-in-law mailed our packages from Florida. We opened the large shipping boxes to find brightly wrapped presents inside. As I picked up each present and read the label, I would shake the box and say something like, "Hmmm, feels like a pair of jeans." Turns out I was right on every package. My new husband jokingly informed me that I had ruined Christmas.
One of my closest friends doubted my gift guessing abilities. I was at her house and she told me her father had been trying to guess his Christmas gift for a couple weeks. She dared me to try and guess, confident that I wouldn't have a clue. I begged her, "Louise, please. I don't want to ruin your dad's Christmas." Finally, after she dumped the present in my lap, I picked it up. "Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked. "Go ahead. I am telling you there is NO WAY you will guess this." I picked it up. Shook it and pronounced, "A set of rachets." I will never forget the look of disbelief on her face! Or how hard her dad was laughing!
My daughter's first Christmas, my brother said, "You will never guess what I got Rachel for Christmas!" "Volume 2 of the Beatrix Potter books?" There was no gift or package involved to shake this time, but once again...nailed it. He had that same shocked look on his face that Louise had a few years earlier.
That brings me to this year. I knew what my daughter was getting me for Christmas because she needed me to help pick out the model I wanted. But then she put this other gift under the tree and said, "This is your surprise gift. Be very careful because it is fragile." Oh, you know that I tried to feel the package, but very I did so very gingerly because I was afraid to break it. I had no clue. The weeks before Christmas, I would ponder and ponder. Gentle little prying poke of the package. Nothing.
Christmas morning I could not wait to find out what this was. She had wrapped a water bottle and flip flop to throw me off (yes, that is a photo of the actual thing). My REAL surprise gift was Season 2 of The Office. She knew if she had wrapped that up I would have probably guessed it.
I think I had that same confounded look that my brother and my friend had had on their faces when I opened my surprise gift. I laughed for about 20 minutes. And now, my daughter has become legend for out-witting her mom. This will be my favorite gift for years to come!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


I took Rachel to her first book signing a few weeks back. The author was Brian "Head" Welch, formerly of Korn. He was a phenomenal speaker-had the capacity to make a person feel like he was speaking one-on-one while he kept the whole crowd engaged. Buy his book. It is a remarkable story of a life transformed. Buy his CD for your kids. They will love it!
Our company had an open house at our new facilities in Grand Rapids. The building looked great. We got to meet some interesting people and wonderful customers. And a co-worker and I got lost in Lansing for about an hour on the way home. The state police were routing people off the e-way and since it was dark and late anyways...we got lost. But with the help of our dispatch staff, we were able to find our way home. The very next day, Rachel and I left for a camping trip in Indiana.

My friend, Sandy, drove her class A RV by herself for the first time. She also parked it. Didn't she do a fantastic job backing it into the camp site?
This photo and the following photo's were taken by Rachel.

Since I was so tired from the previous couple of weeks, preparing for the open house, I decided we weren't staying in a tent. Instead, Rachel and I stayed at the Potawotami Inn. It was great!

We sat around the campfire, laughing and talking. We went on a hayride, the kids went on pony rides, we celebrated a couple of birthdays. This is an annual trip and I always look forward to it.

This is one of my favorite shots...looking up the trunk of a tree.
Somewhere in these past weeks, the following Quote of the Day happened:
"She marches to the drum of a different beat!"
This past week, I participated in the launch of Time Out at Richland Bible Church. It is a group for single moms. The women from this church just showered so much love on the women who came.
This past weekend my friends' daughter got married. It was in the outdoor chapel at Sherman Lakes YMCA open air chapel. The wedding was fun, the setting perfect. I have never seen a bride and groom enjoy their wedding as much as this couple. This was also Rachel's first time being a bridesmaid. It was a simply wonderful weekend...filled with family, with love, and community.
So, I am back at work today. I think life is returning to normal and I will be around much more often. I will spend the rest of the week getting caught up on YOUR lives and happenings!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was visiting LLL's blog the other day and I ended up on one of her friend's blogs. He was talking about working on a tree house. I just saw a documentary on a couple that built this incredible tree house, complete with flat panel TV's and a number of other modern conveniences. It was very beautiful.
Anyhow, this got me to thinking about this grass house I saw once. My daughter and I were camping with about 7 other families in Northern Michigan. On one of the roads we frequented we saw this grass house. It was similar to the picture I have posted in that there was a doorway. And a window or two. But this house was more of a rounded mound with long grass on top and a couple of lawn chairs. We kind of laughed about it because it was so unusual and of course, those two lawn chairs.....
We decided to get a closer look and pulled onto the side street. I don't know what came over me but I just had to see the inside. I told my friends that I was going to see if the owner would let me in. Against their protests, I jumped out of the car, my young daughter following behind, and went up and knocked on the door. A man answered the door, his German Shepherd right beside him. I brashly asked if we could see inside his house. Surprisingly, he opened the door and let us in. I only was nervous for a few seconds when I noticed the shot gun leaning against the door jam. Or when the German Shepherd came to investigate.
You guys, I wish I had had a camera. Inside this funny mound of grass covered dirt was a beautiful house. Turning right from a very small vestibule area was this huuuuggggeee room with a domed ceiling. To the right was the most gigantic, fabulous stone fireplace that you could ever imagine. Circling to the left, we could see into the dining and kitchen areas. Left of that were the leather bound chairs and couch. The owner was gracious enough to answer my many questions. It turns out that this was the second grass house that he had built. The insulation aspects were what led him to build a grass house. He was congenial and kind, hosting these inquisitive strangers.
I thanked him for his time and returned to my waiting friends...the looks on their faces said it all. "We can't take her anywhere!" LOL But this is one time that I was glad my curiosity overtook my common sense. I will never forget this tiny adventure!
Here is a link to a tree house in progress:
Image taken from here.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We went to a wedding last night. It was fun! Besides celebrating the launch into a new phase of life, there are always the mutual friends you get a chance to catch up on life with as well. Our table laughed the whole night. It pretty much started when I was trying to smell a candle, and didn't realize that hot wax was dripping all over my blouse. On my way back from the Ladies Room, the table next to us told me that I had toilet paper stuck on my shoe. I guess the look on my face was pretty good, because then their whole table was laughing. Ah, it is my gift to spread joy...tee hee.
My favorite moment of the evening was watching another couple, part of the bridal party. The wife, one of my "kids" is ready to have her second child any moment. She was hoping to make it through last night before going into labor. Her and her husband stood up with other people, but at one point, her husband walked over to tenderly help her down a couple of steps. His touch was so gentle and loving. Just what a wife wants, someone strong to watch over her and take care of her. I wished I could capture that moment for them forever...something for them to look back on when times are tough, or dirty clothes left on the floor irritate, the checkbook doesn't balance....or they are sitting on the porch on warm evening just looking at the stars.
Earlier in the day I was thinking about a line that is rarely heard in wedding ceremonies now-a-days....that moment when the minister asks the crowd if anyone knows of any reason the bride and groom should not be joined in holy matrimony. You know the line...."Speak now, or forever hold your peace." How did that start to be a part of the commitment ceremony? Has anyone ever stood up and responded to that? The only example I can think of is from fiction, when Jane Eyre was going to marry Mr. Rochester, who happened to still be married. I seriously cannot imagine how one would handle that moment. I mean, what would you do? Stop the wedding and get marital counseling? Say, "You know, you are right. The sames things have been bothering me for a while now?" It would be rather awkward to greet that person after you went ahead and they came through your receiving line. Maybe that is why there are so many groomsmen....crowd control. :-)

Image taken from here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


For some reason, I keep thinking it is Monday...or maybe it just feels like a Monday. My brain knows it is Wednesday. Yesterday, one of the new drivers I was training kept thinking it was Monday. Maybe I caught something from him? LOL
Image taken from here.

Monday, June 16, 2008


My neighbors have a white dog named Whizzer. Yeah, I don't think he got that name for being fast. They have asked several times(and I don't believe they were kidding) if we were perhaps looking for a dog. One day I saw Whizzer running down the street and was able to entice him to me with some very splendid dog treats. When I returned him, his owners clipped him to a leash INSIDE the house. I thought this very strange until I heard stories about their "wireless" fence and many other failed attempts to keep Whizzer in his own yard.
A week or so later, as I stood over a counter preparing some things for my mom's daily rituals, I saw a very tired, white dog hurrying home in the early morning hours. Was it? Why yes, it was Whizzer. That was the first of many mornings I have watched Whizzer returning from his canine adventures, tongue lolling to the side, laboured breathing...but definitely a look of smug satisfaction on his whiskered face.
This makes me laugh. I look for Whizzer every morning now, hoping to witness this triumphant truant returning in all his glorious splendor. I don't know why this makes me feel happy....but it does.
Image taken from here.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


....well, I almost did. My daughter and I were going through her memory box picking out pictures and awards to display for her graduation party. We read some of the stories she wrote in 1st grade. Oh my, oh my. We had a hysterically good time.

She has truly been a gift to me...a gift from God. Filling my life with laughter, with joy, and with love!

picture taken from here.

Friday, February 15, 2008


My friend Dave tagged me. (No apologies needed Dave!)

Here are the requests of the tag:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five other people.

"What if they are?" he said. "It don't change what you gotta do, Chick. You stay in those cages, work with your coaches, and be ready when the time comes..." from FOR ONE MORE DAY by Mitch Albom.

This is an interesting little book that I got from my brother for Christmas (I just started it...only a few chapters in). It's about a former World Series player who attempted suicide and lives. Albom is also author of TUESDAY'S WITH MORRIE and THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN. My favorite Albom book though was his Bo Schembechler biography. Albom is a sports writer in Detroit and is also known for writing a totally made up column included quotes from a player about winning a game....which might have never achieved any notariety if the team had not lost the game. (I may not have the details was a while ago and many of us have come to learn that this is not uncommon among sports writers. If Ray Barone did it, we would think it was funny.)

I met Mitch Albom once, before he authored a novel, and was just known as the favorite son of the Detroit sports world. I was a consultant for a long term care management firm and was coordinating a Wheelchair Olympics for nursing home residents from about 9 facilities in Michigan. We held it at Madonna University, which happens to be the school I graduated from. What I remember most about Albom, as I walked around the events with him, was that treated each nursing home resident with as much respect and enthusiasm as he has with professional athletes...perhaps even a bit more. I am not surprised that the man I met at this event is the man who authored TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE.

Dave, thanks for the tag. Unexpectedly, it brought back some great memories!


One more thing...I wish someone would say this about me - "[She] did nothing by half measures and never considered failure as a possible outcome. " It is a quote from a work by my friend, Richard, that is still in progress.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Last night my daughter and I were on our way home from a Bible study. She said, "Mom, did you realize you talk like a Thesaurus?!" She went on to describe how I added synonym after synonym while expressing my thoughts.

My daughter, offspring, heir, descendant had me laughing, jovially expressing myself so hard, vigorously, intensely at her depiction, representation, portrayal of me talking, discussing, conversing.

But seriously, I have no clue as to why she would think that!

Image taken from here

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This headline captured my attention this morning "Untidy beds may keep us healthy". Upon further reading, this article from the BBC news went on to say "Failing to make your bed in the morning may actually help keep you healthy, scientists believe." Apparently, an unmade bed helps to keep your bed dry, thus preventing dust mites from inhabiting your mattress and pillows.

I, who absolutely hates bugs so much so that I couldn't even post a picture of a dust mite here on my blog, seriously considered not making my bed each morning so as to alleviate any potential breeding grounds for the abhorred dust mite. However, I am a bed maker. Every morning, I must make my bed even if the rest of my room bears a little clutter. And each evening, there is no better feeling than climbing into a fully made bed. I can sleep soundly with dust bunnies covering the floor under my bed, but give me wrinkled sheets and I will toss and turn all the night long.
Much to my delight, my dilemma was solved when Professor Wardlaw, later in the article declared "It is true that mites need humid conditions to thrive and cannot survive in very dry ( desert like) conditions. However, most homes in the UK are sufficiently humid for the mites to do well and I find it hard to believe that simply not making your bed would have any impact on the overall humidity." Thank you, Professor Wardlaw because even while I do not reside in the UK, Michigan is famous for its humidity, thus you have resolved my dilemma and put my mind at, I think!
Image taken from here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Ok, my friend Richard had this meme on his blog. I did it and was a little shocked when my instrument turned out to be an accordion and there were words such as "wacky" used in the description. Not 5 minutes later I had the following instant message conversation....and that is when the accordion "light bulb" clicked on for me!

1:47 PM Melissa: Do you have paper of some sort?
me: what?????
what kind of paper?
this is a rather odd question
1:48 PM is someone being paper trained?
do you need to swat someone?
are you coloring?
you are leaving me in suspense
do you need to throw some gum away
Melissa: Well I am trying to take some notes on 1 corinthians 14 and my notebook is in my car and I don't want to go get it
Melissa: cuz I don't want to leave my desk
Melissa: ok
1:50 PM Thanks :)
Image taken from here.
(Ok, I know that the resemblance is so close that some of you are wondering if that is really me,
but trust me, I don't have an accordion in real life!!)

Friday, October 05, 2007


I was tagged by Richard to post my desktops. Ok, you will learn alot about me from this little exercise. First, I am boring...yes, it is true. No creativity here, as you will see. Second, I am technologically in the stone ages, although I did use a digital camera to take pics of my desktops. Third, I am teachable because I learned how to crop pictures during all this. So, for your viewing pleasure:

This is my office PC. Lots of files on my desktop that I really should organize into folders. And, no background. That is because I have so much on the desktop that you really can't appreciate any pics. In the past, I have had a picture of my friend, Sandy and her two grandchildren. Now, boring boring....nothing. (Yes, that flash is me taking the picture...I know there must be a better

This is my new office lap top. Purchased so I can run PowerPoint for the new training program I am helping to write. Not much there. Standard Microsoft provided desktop pic. But it does make me happy and makes me wish I was living in a little cottage near the sea shore, surrounded by flowers. (Again, with the flash...what is wrong w/ me?!!!LOL)

My daughter set this for me on my home screen. One of my favorite scenes from my favorite movie (and book) Pride and Prejudice. I must admit that I am in love w/ Mr. Darcy...all the Mr. Darcy's from every version and my own mental image from reading the book. (No goes to Rachel for being more technologically advanced than her mom!)

I am going to tag Max, Pat, Margie, Tina, Tracey, and Sara ...Heck, really I am tagging everybody...just don't have the time to link you all. If you read this, consider yourself tagged. The rule is simple, post a picture of your desktop on your blog. (But as you can see, I am rule there is freedom to deviate from the rules for you as well...wink)