Showing posts with label bloggerville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bloggerville. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Venetia. The first time I saw her, at church, I thought she seemed like a beautiful person, graceful with a sweet, kind face. Now that I have gotten to know her, I can definately say....she is a beautiful young mom and as sweet and kind as she appears! She has a lovely family. She loves Jesus. And I am glad to count her as a friend!
Please stop by her blog and say hello. I told her how wonderful bloggervillites are!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


In December, we had to get our house ready for a new renter. We hadn't been in it for several years. Rachel and I wandered around the empty rooms. Some things changed. Rooms were painted different colors. My bedroom had been turned into two for our previous renters. It felt different somehow.
Some things were the same. We were joyously surprised to find a note I had painted in the closet in Rachel's room still intact. Memories came flooding back as we went from room to room. Somehow it felt the same.
I have talked to two different people within the past week about blogging. One special long time friend told me she occassionally stops by to see if I have posted. One special brand new friend and I are going to encourage each other to blog regularly.
When I first logged on felt kind of strange. Changed. Different. Empty.
Then I thought about the joy that bloggers and blogging have given me. As I remembered the laughs, the wisdom, the prayers and the fears that have been shared together on our blogs, those familiar warm feelings crept right back into my heart.
Like my house, it is not empty where there are memories, where friendship is shared, where faith is proclaimed, and where love can be found!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


To me, Facebook is like conversation around the water cooler at work. Lots of sharing, some personal, most short conversations, catching up on what's going on, quick share of info. On the other hand, Blogging is like sitting down and sharing a cup of tea with a good friend. Maybe some of the same topics are covered, but usually more indepth and intimately.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


"... we had always had a complicated relationship. We loved each other deeply, but like I was not easy. I'll just say it as it was, she was not an easy person to be around, and out of frustration, and sometimes anger, I didn't always do all I could to make it any easier..." These words from my friend, Pat's blog, jumped out at me today. They captured exactly how I have been feeling.
This morning was a tough one. As I was fixing my mom's breakfast I thought, "This is why God gave me only one child. He knew I would be parenting my mom for all these years." And today, I felt much too old and too tired for a giant toddler. That is why my friend's words spoke so loudly to me.
Growing up, my mom was probably the perfect mom. She was a scout leader, artistic, creative, committed to her children's pursuits. I remember that near our birthdays, she would ask what kind of cake we wanted. It didn't matter what we came up with, she would find a way to make it. Probably the most difficult was the year my brother asked for an aircraft carrier cake. And at his birthday party, there was a replica of the aircraft carrier my dad served on in the U.S. Navy, complete with airplanes made out of lifesavers and sticks of gum, lined up on the deck!
When I was 11, my parents had a meeting to tell us that they were divorcing. I had to move into the master bedroom for awhile when my dad took up residence in my room. I don't remember much about sharing that room with my mom, except I used to like looking through her jewelry box and this gave me plenty of opportunity. My parents went on to divorce and my dad eventually exchanged our family for a new one. We became step-children. I know everyone tried very hard to co-mingle the two families...but as Pat said..."It's complicated!"
My mom became a working mom. Something that was very uncommon back when I was a kid. Divorce was still a word that was whispered in polite company. I remember putting on birthday parties for her and inviting all her friends from work. But somewhere along the way we lost each other. She abdicated her role as parent, probably because she was exhausted from work, and I pretty much became my own boss.
Over the years, as I graduated from high school and college, married, set up my own household, and became a successful business woman, that small fissure that had begun in our relationship, widened. While I loved my mom, she was not the person I turned to with my joys and fears. She was involved in my life, of course, but things were just different.
While my journey as her emotional caretaker had begun soon after her divorce, my journey as physical caretaker started when I was pregnant. I began doing my mom's laundry since she was now in a wheelchair. That is how everyone was first alerted that I had gone into labor. I didn't pick up her laundry that morning and no one could reach me all day.
As the years wore on, her physical needs became greater and greater. Her world shrank and she didn't seem to mind at all. She was happy. We (my brothers and I) made modifications to her home so she could maintain the most mobility and independence. But somehow, she didn't see things that way. She does not like change. And there had to be changes. She resented us for those changes, not seeing the sacrifices that our families made to allow her to stay in her own home. Ah, it got complicated!
Now, my mom is just a shadow of her old self really. The other day I got her dressed and then forgot to tell her to sit down in her wheelchair. I took her soiled laundry downstairs to the washer and heard yelling. I ran up the stairs and there was my mom, gripping onto her walker, not knowing what to do next because I had neglected to remind her to sit down in her wheelchair. Or, the day last week my daughter called me in tears asking if I could come home. My mom had left the water running in the sink and flooded the bathroom, enough so that water dripped into the basement below. Sometimes she remembers how to use the telephone, and other times she can't figure it out. Every day is different. Some are fine and fairly easy. Some are not so easy. Like life, I guess.
Sometimes we see glimpses of my "old" mom...the way she used to be. She lights up whenever any of my brothers come over. Sometimes, her voice sounds exactly like it used to...strong and confident. She loves the caregiver that comes twice a week to help out...they laugh and joke and my mom is soooo happy when she is there.
I have helped a number of my friends place their parents in senior care. Why do I keep trying to take care of my mom at home? It's complicated. Part of the reason is...she wants to be at home. I will never forget the way she cried when I told her she was coming home during her last nursing home rehab. Part of the reason dad never took good care of my mom. She deserved better than he was able to give her and I guess I am trying to make up for that. And part of the reason is...I am afraid my mom, the essence of who she is, will disappear completely soon. And I want to do everything to prolong that inevitability. And part of the reason is....God created me to be a nurturer. So many times, I have felt God speaking to my heart, letting me know that I am fulfilling a part of His purpose, by caring for my mom. And part of the reason is....I want to teach my daughter that family sticks together, even when the road gets very, very hard. And part of the reason is...she is my mom and I am her daughter. It's just complicated.
Pat, I have told you many times that you have been a blessing and have helped me cope with caring for my mom, in your own experiences with your mom. Thank you for doing that yet again. There is a freedom and strength that comes from letting go and saying "it is hard and difficult...complicated really". And from being understood.
Image taken from here.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Where have I been during my 5 or 6 week disappearing act? I wish it were something exotic . Just work and home though. I was surprised at how much energy it took to get through a day after my surgery.
My job can be quite an adventure. I work for a courier and delivery company, Reliable Delivery. On any given day, we can be delivering a transplant organ to an operating room, a forgotten laptop to a conference room, or film reels to a theater or newsroom.
My duties are varied. I like that. A big part of my responsibilities involve coordinating the training for our workforce. We have to train in medical deliveries, hazmat, HIIPA, TSA regulations, as well as the fundamentals for professional couriers. One of the projects that has consumed a large part of my time over the past weeks has been getting everyone TSA retrained at each of our four centers (Metro Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, and Toledo). That should be done by the end of this week.
But then there will be another project. lol. To be honest, that is where I thrive. In an environment with new goals, new projects, change, and challenges. And people. Lots of people to interact with, to meet.
Hopefully, I will find more time for bloggersville. I miss everyone and hearing about your lives and thoughts. I couldn't sleep (3:30 a.m my time) so I decided to use the time to at least post (and finish up my meal thank you's). Later tonite, I will visit blogs. See you then!

Thanks Edwards! Couldn't enjoy this before surgery!

 are the best! Much appreciated.

Sandy, good food, good company!
Image taken from here and here and here.

Friday, January 09, 2009


....and he has taken my gall bladder with him! Image taken from here.

Thanks everyone for the prayers and all the support!

Rebecca, thanks for the soup! Image taken from here

Sara and first "real" food hit the spot! Image taken from here

EJ, Lindsay, & Jack - 2 thumbs up! Image taken from here.

Friday, January 02, 2009

1234....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Well, I tried, but I slept through the New Year's countdown. My daughter woke me up, "Mom, it's 12:34 p.m. We missed it!" LOL
Hope You had a wonderful Christmas! If my daughter takes the photo, I will be sharing her "surprise" gift to me.
Praying for God's blessings and goodness on every day and minute of your 2009!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was visiting LLL's blog the other day and I ended up on one of her friend's blogs. He was talking about working on a tree house. I just saw a documentary on a couple that built this incredible tree house, complete with flat panel TV's and a number of other modern conveniences. It was very beautiful.
Anyhow, this got me to thinking about this grass house I saw once. My daughter and I were camping with about 7 other families in Northern Michigan. On one of the roads we frequented we saw this grass house. It was similar to the picture I have posted in that there was a doorway. And a window or two. But this house was more of a rounded mound with long grass on top and a couple of lawn chairs. We kind of laughed about it because it was so unusual and of course, those two lawn chairs.....
We decided to get a closer look and pulled onto the side street. I don't know what came over me but I just had to see the inside. I told my friends that I was going to see if the owner would let me in. Against their protests, I jumped out of the car, my young daughter following behind, and went up and knocked on the door. A man answered the door, his German Shepherd right beside him. I brashly asked if we could see inside his house. Surprisingly, he opened the door and let us in. I only was nervous for a few seconds when I noticed the shot gun leaning against the door jam. Or when the German Shepherd came to investigate.
You guys, I wish I had had a camera. Inside this funny mound of grass covered dirt was a beautiful house. Turning right from a very small vestibule area was this huuuuggggeee room with a domed ceiling. To the right was the most gigantic, fabulous stone fireplace that you could ever imagine. Circling to the left, we could see into the dining and kitchen areas. Left of that were the leather bound chairs and couch. The owner was gracious enough to answer my many questions. It turns out that this was the second grass house that he had built. The insulation aspects were what led him to build a grass house. He was congenial and kind, hosting these inquisitive strangers.
I thanked him for his time and returned to my waiting friends...the looks on their faces said it all. "We can't take her anywhere!" LOL But this is one time that I was glad my curiosity overtook my common sense. I will never forget this tiny adventure!
Here is a link to a tree house in progress:
Image taken from here.

Monday, June 11, 2007

ketchup day

we are having new windows put in at my mom's house i brought some work to do at home, on the computer, while they are going in. my plan is also to get to all your blogs and see what has been going on. i have missed you all!
Image taken from here.