Monday, July 31, 2006
At Home Little Sister: Can I tone it down for you? ABSOLUTELY! You are important to me. Please be gracious if I forget. Sometimes I do get swept up in the moment. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethern to dwell together in unity. Psalm 133:1
Friday, July 28, 2006

I read Wally's post yesterday and he pondered what would it look like if people used their talents, gifts, abilities, passions to direct their service to God rather than fitting people (sometimes despite their talents, gifts, abilities, and passions) into existing church programming? (My paraphrase, so please read Wally's post.) He really got me to thinking about a number of different things...some serious and some silly. Like, how could an expert hot air balloonist fit into the scheme of church programming? Personally, I would put that person's talents to use in the area of evangalism. Can you see it? Taking a person high, high up in a hot air balloon and then asking, "So, if you were to die today, do you know where you would spend eternity?" Couple that with a sudden descent and I am sure the conversion counter would be spinning. Now, I KNOW that wasn't Wally's point, but I sure had fun thinking along these lines for awhile!
Thursday, July 27, 2006

The first time my husband came to pick up our daughter, he spied all those yellow ribbons on the porch. When my daughter got in the car he said, "Tell your mom to take those down." He thought I had put up those ribbons because I was waiting for HIM to come home!
For months after that, every time we saw a yellow ribbon we would laugh and one of us would say, "Wow, those people miss your (my) dad!" It always cracked us up.
I am sure someone is horrified that we laughed about this. But there are so many things you cry about in a divorce that at some just gotta laugh!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006

" 'For these nuns, the habit is a wearable sacramental with a supernatural character that cannot be replicated in secular clothing...The sighting of a nun in habit remains for most of us a notable event, because what the habit proclaims is something so countercultural and so radical, we cannot help but to react with awe and reverance or with suspicion and disdain.' (The Habit: A History of the Clothing of Catholic Nuns by Elizabeth Kuhns)
This is the kind of Praise Habit I wish to pursue...In our encounter with Christ we, too, have been laid down devastated by His grace. We have been covered by this grace. We have been taken from death to life by this grace. Our identity is changed. What was before this new beginning has vanished. We have been given new clothes. We have put on Christ. We are found dressed in His rescue, redemption, and righteousness and, aware of this rescue, we spew forth praise...To wear the rescue of Christ into every moment is for every moment to become alive with the possibilities of revelation. With the awareness of rescue, things unsuspected will begin to revelate redemption....
A nun does not get up each morning and go to the closet and think to herself, Hmmmm, I wonder what to wear today. The habit is what she wears. It is what covers her. It is what identifies her. Our condition is the same. Our habit is the Christ. He is what covers us. He is what identifies us. We wear Him into every moment, and when we live with this awareness, we PRAISE CHRIST." (excerpt pages 38, 39)
PRAISE HABIT: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi by David Crowder. Get it! Read it!
Friday, July 21, 2006
13But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
14Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

About the middle of my missional camping trip, I awoke thinking about commitment. The truth is, I am a horrible camper. The only reason I camp, is that I am committed to the people I love and camp with. I am committed to them, they like to camp, therefore I camp. But, they are also committed to me. A few of us usually convoy to our campgrounds making sure everyone arrives safely. Then as soon as I roll in, a few of the guys come over and set up our tent. If it rains, we get offers to stay in trailers and pop-ups, everyone checking to make sure we are ok. This trip, my tent was set up between raindrops because I insisted that I had to be in my own tent and not share quarters with anyone else. One of my brothers bought me a camp stove so I could actually try outdoor cooking. Others have paid for our campsites so we could go. So, I woke that one morning thanking God for how committed these folks are to us, how we wouldn't have these shared experiences if they weren't, and how amazed I am at the lenghths they will go to for us.
Monday, July 17, 2006
I just want to say that I love You.
Throughout my day, You fill my thoughts. Whether I am working or goofing off, busy or still, You are there...with me. In my disappointments, my fears, my sadness I run to You and hide in Your Word.
In my excitment and happiness and joys I bend my knee to You because I know You are the Provider of every blessing I receive. How grateful I am that You have called me to Your family.
You are Goodness. You are Mercy. You are Justice. You are Truth. You are Joy. You are Hope. You are Beauty. You are my King and Creator.
I love You. I need You. I want You. You are mine and I am Yours.
I can't say it enough...I love You. I love You. I love You!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

1. Sleep in every single day.
2. Finish Luther's Commentary on Romans.
3. Have Darryl's blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
4. Hang out w/ my friends.
5. Take naps.....many....daily.
6. Finish Stetzer's Planting Missional Churches.
7. Don't cook if I don't feel like it.
8. Spend at least an hour w/ my "brother" Rob, just catching up.
9. Stay up late around the campfire.
10. Read just for fun.
11. Talk to a bunch of people I don't know.
12. Daydream.
13. Start using my brand spankin' new ESV Bible.
14. Play w/ all the kids.
15. Hang out w/ the teens for as long as they tolerate me.
16. People watch.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Please be praying for the divorce recovery group I am a part of! Appreciate it!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006