Monday, May 22, 2006


My friend and I were talking about the fact that sometimes only certain people know the meanining behind someone's post on their blog. Each time that I write something, I just try to write down my own observation or prayer. Just a few weeks ago, I asked a friend about her blog and she said, "If I had something personal, only for you, I wouldn't blog it...I would tell you." Really, I am not sure what the blogging etiquette and rules are. Obviously, whatever a person posts should be in good taste. Can you blog without any misunderstandings or misinterpretations?--I don't know. Kindess is always a good idea when talking about others-- people or cultures. Seriously, I personally started blogging as a tool to reach out about divorce and Christianity. I don't know if I have done a good job at that, but I sure have had fun writing and reading the thoughts of others!!!!!!!


hippieange83 said...
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Vicki Sue said...

I couldn't agree with you more.

Tracey, in MI said...

I want a hidden message... don't make me beg.

and yes- on both the surface- and the hidden... I agree;)