Thursday, September 20, 2007


Last night, while having dinner with some friends, I told this story about an associate pastor who was teaching a class on the "One Anothers" from scripture. I was really excited to take this class because the subject matter looked good and the associate pastor was new to our church so this gave me an opportunity to get to know him better. The class was excellent, he was a very good teacher, and I was really applying the materials....until....the one day he told us what he thought to be a very funny thing.

He told us with a great big smile (perhaps there was also a wink...kind of like you give to someone who knows the inside joke, but I really don't remember if there was an actual wink) "You know that time before services, when all the people are gathered in the vestibule and you get asked about fifty questions from fifty different people??? I call that THE PIT! yuk, yuk!!!!" Um, no one really laughed, you know, seeing we were all "pit" people in the class. And I was very careful after that to never, never, NEVER do anything but say hello and smile when I saw him before services.

So, this morning during my devotional time, when I read this line from Psalm 88, I had to laugh:

I am counted among those who go down to the pit...(Psalm 88:4a)

I guess that makes me a member of the pit crew and I know there is some invisible fire involved somewhere...somehow..... (wink, wink!!)

Image take from here.


JT said...

God is so funny that He gave you that Psalm today! LOL! xoxo

Margie said...

Being a pit dweller is not bad... it's humbling... and I got a lot of friends in there.

ouizard said...

It's probably just a joke pastors joke about with one another. Being a pastor is still some kind of job-- all professions have some kernel of vocation; religious order is one that is more vocation than profession but part-profession, nonetheless.

Best if he saved his "pit" joke for fellow pastors, then, and pray he doesn't get blackmailed *wink*