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...life always presents another side...another opportunity!
- Seeing Joe emerging as a leader as he spoke of behalf of those being baptized.
- Watching Mike baptize the first person and having that person help baptize the next person and so on. He said to Lisa, "Now that you have been baptized, you can baptize others. Cool isn't it?" And, yes...it really was!
- Hearing the Word of God on baptism being shared in my brother and sister's backyard!
- See Angela throw her head back and joyfully shout "Yes!" when asked if she was ready and willing to commit to her baptism and to being faithful to Jesus all her life.
- Seeing two different unmarried couples getting baptized and wondering what significance this would hold for their futures.
- See Andy do these wild double back flips into the pool.
- Seeing Tracey sitting on a blanket with the little kids. I was going to go chat with her until I saw the expression of joy on her face as she interacted with them. It just seemed like a holy moment.
- Seeing the same sweet expression on Angela's grandma's face that I see on Angela's mom. Now I know where that comes from.
- Singing songs of worship accompanied only by the guitar under the open sky. Usually I only hear the lead singers and the instruments, but yesterday I heard a symphony of voices, young and old, in simplicity, united in praise.
- Fussing over Carrie, who graciously shared her precious time with us.
- Getting this great daughter hug from Melissa.
- Getting several great daughter hugs from Rachel.
- Having Josiah tell us that we couldn't talk...no girls could talk...but then deciding that if we gave him a hug...then we could.
- Seeing Joyce learn about Jet Dry.
- Celebrating with "Texas" who just fit in right from day one and feeling like we have known them forever.
- Being introduced to Lisa's parents and seeing the love in their eyes for their daughter and hers for them.
- Having Jack tell me his recipe for the greatest (non-binding) cheese dip in the world.
- EJ's jokes. Funny. All night.
- Listening as Jessica and Lindsay discussed their pregnancies.
- Laughing at a TV show at the end of the night with Danielle, Aaron, Vicki, and Rachel.
- Walking in the front door and having Angie say, "Hi Aunt Kathy!"
- Looking around the backyard and never seeing any person sitting alone even though there were lots of people who didn't know each other.
- Seeing each person baptized, as they came up out of the water with the happiest looks on their faces.
- Sitting and celebrating with "the girls" in the dining room.
I have a friend who pastors Discovery Church in Galway, Ireland. He always signs his emails...loudest love, Paul Cullen. That is the perfect expression for our celebration yesterday. In the simpleness of our gathering, God shouting, "Loudest Love My children!" and in our worship of gathering and fellowship together...us shouting back, "Loudest Love our Beloved King!"
I was saved at a pentacostal church so I love pentacostals! Like with any church group though, there can be some strange stuff that happens. On the Imago Dei website, there is a story of a girl who went to church with her friend. It was a pentacostal church. There was an altar call and the friend wanted our girl to go down to the front with her. The friend was prayed for. The Pentacostal Prayers then turned their focus on our girl and started to pray for her to speak in tongues. She wanted to leave. They wouldn't stop until there was a manifestation. In desperation, she finally started to repeat, "Meck-a-leck-a-high, meck-a-leck-a hiney-ho". The happy Pentacostal Prayers were satisfied. Our girl however, returned to her seat sure she was going straight to hell for passing off the Secret Saying from Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse as having spoken in tongues!
I laughed so hard when I read her story. It reminded me of another story I heard years ago. One of my pastors told me about a woman who was angry with him. During the service, she started to share a "word of knowledge" which is when pentacostals state out loud, for the entire congregation, something that they are sure is directly from the heart of God to the whole group or an individual. This angry woman said, "Yeah and amen (typical "word of knowledge" starting phraseology)....Yeah and amen, I have seen Michelob written upon your walls..." Um, the pastor was sure she meant to say Ichabod. Pretty funny! I wonder what she will say when God plays that back for her in heaven.
Anyway, you just have to love dem holy rollers!!!!!!
I was praying for Bottle Man...Robert...on my way into work and asking God to help me find a way to learn his shoe size. Thank you, Lord!!
Here is where you all come in. The picture on my post is of men's shoes from the 1850's. They look uncomfortable, don't they? Well, Robert needs a new pair of shoes and I want to get him some that are soft and comfy and will be good to wear in the upcoming bad weather months. But, I have no idea which men's brand of shoes might fit the bill. I need your suggestions!!!