Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I had so many people ask me about Robert this past weekend. Yesterday afternoon I got a call from one friend letting me know that she had been looking online and had found a place that carried shoes in Robert's size. She suggested a certain style that she thought might be best. I couldn't stop smiling when I hung up the phone because I realized that Robert has a whole bunch of people praying for him, looking out for him, trying to find him shoes. And he doesn't even know it!! My 7-11 friend has gone from being some guy digging through the trash....to all of ours....Our Robert!

In his writings and music, David Crowder talks about God building a monument...His very people! To see the Body of Christ moving together in unison...informally...each responding individually to the Holy Spirit and glorifying God...is incredibly moving, powerful, and very beautiful.

This makes me hungry for our Lord, resplendent and magnificent and dazzling!


Tonya said...

Praying for Robert...

Margie said...

are you taking a collection for shoes for him?

KayMac said...

not at this time, but i will let you know if something like that comes up. thanks tho