Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:
He was manifested in the flesh,vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels,proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
I Timothy 3:16

Dear Sara,

You recently asked on your blog, "I want to know what makes OTHER people tick? Why do OTHER people believe in God? What makes you think you arent just talking to yourself when you 'pray'?" I told you I would answer you on my here goes:

I have been thinking about your questions for a couple of days now. The reason I believe in God, is because of God. He is responsible for my faith. Am I confusing you? There is a passage of scripture that will paint a clearer picture. It is about a guy who is mentioned only once in the Bible. His name is Simeon.

Luke 2:25-35
Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,
“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace,according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles,and for glory to your people Israel.”
And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him. And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”

Simeon knew God because of God...because God revealed Himself to Simeon. The same is for me. I don't the have the capacity to know or believe in God without God first revealing Himself and His truth to me. And it is through Jesus Christ, His death and His resurrection, that God has rescued me and brought me into a relationship with Himself. God has revealed His truth to me a number of ways...His word, His people, His creation, through beauty and through tragedy, through science and through study, through wise men and through simple things, through intellectual things and through things intangible. But there is a resonating deep in my soul that whispers to me, from His heart to mine.

What makes me think I am not just talking to myself when I pray? It may sound crazy to you and to others, to those who don't know God, but prayer is so relational for me. Sometimes I am doing the talking and sometimes I am doing the listening. Sometimes I am just being still and sometimes I find myself confessing things I am deeply ashamed of. Sometimes I have found myself searching, searching, searching and wonder why I am not hearing from God. But it is never talking to the nothing. God always responds....through thoughts, people, His word....again, so many different ways. It is a very intimate thing for me and I am finding myself at a loss for words that can adequately describe this time of communion. But it is central in my life and the centeredness of my life.

I am sure there are those who can answer your questions better than I. But the one thing I would encourage you to do, is ask God to reveal Himself to you. If I am a nutcase, religious have wasted nothing but a question. But if there is a majestic, almighty, and holy God- the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit - then you have everything to gain.

I will be praying for your quest!


Image taken from here.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


A few months ago, Vicki Sue was in my office using my computer while I logged on to a computer in our dispatch center. My daughter began to instant message me. Both Vicki Sue and I began to answer her, unbeknownst to each other. It makes us laugh every time we reread it...but here, have a read for yourself! The following key should help you keep the speakers correct...ummm, I think!
kaymc550: BLUE CAPS (Kathy)
kaymc550: purple lower case (Vicki Sue)
DrmWithinADrm1: Rachel
kaymac550: hi its vicki
kaymac550: i am at your moms computer

DrmWithinADrm1: hello
kaymac550: hi there
kaymac550: SORRY
DrmWithinADrm1: sure
kaymac550: sure?
kaymac550: SERIOUSLY I WAS
DrmWithinADrm1: ok
kaymac550: Rachel!
DrmWithinADrm1: yes?
kaymac550: what are you saying?
DrmWithinADrm1: im saying ok
kaymac550: OK
kaymac550: ok me too
DrmWithinADrm1: ok
kaymac550: fine
DrmWithinADrm1: alright
kaymac550: then theres no problem, right?
DrmWithinADrm1: alrighty then
kaymac550: great
DrmWithinADrm1: frosted flakes are more than good.. they're grrrrrrrreat!!!
kaymac550: Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner....
DrmWithinADrm1: c'mon everybody get it done you know the one...
DrmWithinADrm1: call 1800 hansons..(get it done)
DrmWithinADrm1: your daughter come on my property and she kick my dog
DrmWithinADrm1: now my dog need operation
DrmWithinADrm1: im going to kill you
kaymac550: what the??
kaymac550: I was on google looking up jingles real quick
DrmWithinADrm1: no im not im just kidding
kaymac550: because my mind went blank
kaymac550: where did that come from
DrmWithinADrm1: 800 588 2300 empire!!!!
kaymac550: LOL
kaymac550: U CRACK ME UP

kaymac550: this is why I SUCK at SHOUT OUT THE MOVIES
kaymac550: my brain gets all flustered

DrmWithinADrm1: ha
DrmWithinADrm1: that was from the you kicked my dog thing
DrmWithinADrm1: remember?
kaymac550: No, I dont know about "you kicked my dog"
kaymac550: when did that happen
DrmWithinADrm1: ok am i talking to two different people?
kaymac550: well I told you this was VICKI, ten minutes ago
DrmWithinADrm1: but my mom has been talking to me too
DrmWithinADrm1: i think
kaymac550: what do you think she has said?
kaymac550: copy it back to me
kaymac550: because her comments are not popping up on my screen
DrmWithinADrm1: she said that she was taking some customer calls
DrmWithinADrm1: so i thought she came back
DrmWithinADrm1: or was that you?
kaymac550: no I didnt say that
DrmWithinADrm1: ok then i have been thinking my mom came back
kaymac550: okay well this is funny!
DrmWithinADrm1: is this a joke?
kaymac550: I wish!
kaymac550: I am at your moms computer working because my computer upstairs doesnt have WORD

kaymac550: LOL
kaymac550: I AM IN DISPATCH
kaymac550: LOL

DrmWithinADrm1: no wonder i thought you were going insane
kaymac550: what? are you saying that I am insane?
kaymac550: HHhHhHAHAHAHAHA

DrmWithinADrm1: k i will try
DrmWithinADrm1: but your comp doesnt have sound
kaymac550: what?
kaymac550: youi didnt answer my question

DrmWithinADrm1: no i was saying i thought my mom was insane
kaymac550: if your mom sounds like me, then she must be insane?
DrmWithinADrm1: cuz you were likekaymac550: No, I dont know about "you kicked my dog"
kaymac550: when did that happen and then my mom goeskaymac550: YES, YOU MADE ME LAUGH
kaymac550: OH GEEZ
kaymac550: ahh I see
kaymac550: so you have both of us typing at the same time
kaymac550: we could have planned something very confusing for you if we knew this wasgoing to be so much fun
DrmWithinADrm1: yea i am starting to think you planned it
kaymac550: I WISH we did
kaymac550: most of our great stuff happens on accident!
DrmWithinADrm1: wow this is weird
kaymac550: LOL
kaymac550: I BET
kaymac550: Okay I am almost done
kaymac550: so I will leave you alone
kaymac550: hope you have a nice afternoon
kaymac550: and I will see you tonight
DrmWithinADrm1: you too'
kaymac550: ME TOO?
DrmWithinADrm1: that was to vivki
kaymac550: what?
DrmWithinADrm1: vick*
kaymac550: Ididnt get anything
DrmWithinADrm1: vicki****8
DrmWithinADrm1: that was to my mom
DrmWithinADrm1: ok im gonna stop trying now
kaymac550: dont EVER give up, Rachel!!!
kaymac550: lol
kaymac550: read vickis blog

DrmWithinADrm1: i did
kaymac550: thanks!

Image taken from here.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Had a wonderful Christmas Day. Lazed around in the morning and watched the 1940's version of Pride and Prejudice. My daughter and I exchanged our presents. Then we went to Emagine Theater to see Dream Girls (which we enjoyed....lots of Motown history!) We handed out Hershey kiss filled candy canes to the employees-that was the most fun! After that, we were off to dinner at my brother's. Home early and settling in to watch another old favorite. Just wanted to wish everyone one more "Merry Christmas". God bless us, everyone!

Picture was taken by my daughter and is of our other tree!

Friday, December 22, 2006


My daughter and I watched "The Fellowship of the Ring" last night. When I was getting divorced, we were suddenly faced with making new traditions because we had always spent Christmas with my husband's side of the family. We decided that we would go to the movies and take some Christmas treats to the kids who had to work. This was the very first movie we saw to begin our new holiday tradition.

I forgot how much I really like this story. A group of diversely gifted beings, imperfect by themselves but a force when united, all focused on one quest. I've watched this movie a number of times but last night I was reminded of the "Fellowships" that God has brought me into over the years. Most of my fellow sojourners I have the privilege of staying in contact with, despite God calling us to new lands and battles. Some, I have lost and don't know where their wanderings have led them or what difficulties they have faced. And a few have gone on, to another world and the very courts of the Mighty One to live eternally. Each, I cherish...because we have fought alongside one another, defended and cared for each other, completed our missions together or were separated for a cause greater than each of us individually.
And for the fellowships that My Lord has brought me into for today, I vow to be true to the call, and to serve and protect you with whatever grace, wisdom, love, strength, and talent our God entrusts me with. For Him, His glory, today and forever!
Image taken from here.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


"When do those rats go out?"
Image taken from here...a site that proves even rats can be humiliated.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I just finished writing out my Christmas cards during my lunch (uh-oh..then what am I doing blogging?!!) I love Christmas cards. I love to send them. I love to get them. Some I save to look at over and over.

Yesterday was the biggest mail day of the year...the day cards were supposed to be mailed to guarantee making it to their destinations by Christmas. Perhaps mine won't arrive until after. A couple of my friends joked with me about being so "late". Funny, I don't feel late. I feel happy that I had the money to buy and send cards this year. I won't stop celebrating, after December 25th, the joy that Jesus came. And I won't stop loving the people I send cards to, even if they arrive late.

So, for you my blogging friends, here is your (virtual) Christmas card...from my heart to yours...a few days early:

May the joy and wonder and comfort
of the gift of our Rescuer,
Jesus Christ
light your hearts
and fill your lives
with blessings and love
may you enjoy those blessings
with your families and friends!

Image taken from here.

Friday, December 15, 2006

prayer for my pastor

Send out your light and your truth;
let them lead me;
let them bring me to Your holy hill
and to Your dwelling!
Psalm 43:3
I pray for my pastor, the man you have called to shepherd this gathering of people.
Give him a thirst for You that is strong, and for Your Word that cannot be denied.
Let him run hard after You, and his desire be for closeness and communion with You before all else.
Before power, I pray for purity--that he would stand before You and others clean from sin and with a heart and mind filled with the righteousness that only Jesus Christ can bestow.
Give him strength to do what You put before him, no matter how daunting the task.
Give him courage to obey and trust You so that he can follow whatever path You have set before him.
Give him wisdom to understand You and Your word-so that he can lead, not according to his own preferences, frailties, or knowledge-but in Your truth and ways.
Give him discernment to recognize truth as easily as it is to recognize night from the day.
Give him men after Your own heart that can provide him with companionship, who can come alongside and help him, and who can lay him out if he needs it.
Give him a teachable heart so he can receive correction and is kept from foolishness.
Keep him from deceit, pride, bitterness and boasting.
Provide him with a reputation that honors You.
Fill him with joy and let him dance before You unhindered and unashamed.
Let him laugh with You.
Let Your Spirit be upon him as it was for David, all the days of his life.
Let Your power flow in his life and the work You have ordained him to.
Bring him into Your presence and let him hear Your voice.
Let him glorify You in all the areas of his life.
And may he and his family live with You in holiness in this life and forever.

Image taken from here.


I am in the number of those who are experiencing problems with blogger right now. It won't let me comment! I have been reading and hopefully, all will be well again soon in bloggerville!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


On the way in to work yesterday, I heard "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" playing on the radio...and the chorus touched me in a whole new way....."Glad tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, glad tidings of comfort and joy!"

It suddenly hit me how very appropriate that chorus is. Like many of you, I have been riding the emotional Christmas roller coaster. The other night, I was at a cookie exchange. I looked around this room filled with beautiful Christmas decorations that paled next to the beauty of the women who had gathered there. Young women, some with their babies (or expecting a baby), older women with their grown up daughters next to them, all just enjoying each other's company. I took a mental snap shot of the group and just breathed in the satisfaction of being together. Joy!

Even within that group, there were some who were going through difficulties or had hearts that were heavy with the cares life sometimes serves. I had been praying all day for some friends I love who were facing a tremendously difficult crisis. I continued to pray for them in between the laughing and sharing and caring of my evening, knowing that whatever the outcome, the situation rested in the hands of God and He would provide healing or strength to endure. Comfort!

Last night, Journey participated in a community Christmas party for those in need. I talked with families and played with children. I shared in the jubilation of kids who tore open gifts and laughed with glee at what lay underneath the wrapping. I watched the pain in the faces of some parents who had to tell their kids they had to wait...they were taking their gifts home so there would be something to open on Christmas morning. I loaded bikes into my SUV (a blessing I had received during this past year because someone responded to the need in my life) for one mom and her kids who had no way to get them home. I had the privilege of driving those bikes to their aunt's home. Their aunt and I talked for quite a while about being divorced and the struggle that presents. Through the sting of the cold night air, we shared stories of God's goodness in the midst of our difficulties. Comfort and joy!

For some, this Christmas season will be filled with magic and blessings. Others will face difficulty and sadness. For all, there is the promise...the promise of joy...and the promise of comfort. Because of the love of an amazing God, I can say to each of you...whatever YOUR circumstances...."GLAD TIDINGS OF COMFORT OF JOY!"

Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,my salvation and my God. Psalm 42:11b

Image-My daughter took this picture of one of our trees.

Monday, December 11, 2006


I haven't seen Robert in several weeks. My friend Nebissi sees him everyday. She told me that other people are bringing him bottles now too. I asked if he had a coat, gloves, hat, and so forth. She said he has been dressed warm. So, he is ok. I have been giving her bottles for him. But I really would like to see him again in person, before Christmas. I worry about Robert, even though I am sure he doesn't need me to.

Nebissi will be leaving my 7-11. Her husband is taking over managing another one a few miles away. I will have to find a way to stay in touch. But it will be fun to meet her family, since I have heard all about them. But I feel a bit sad to know that I won't see my friend every day.

I met Nebissi's replacement. I will let you know more about her as I get to know her.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Last night someone set the most beautiful kid-wrapped package in front of me. When I opened it, there was a church to replace the one I had broken from my Christmas village! I was so surprised and pleased, but then I started to think...."gosh, she shouldn't have spent the money on this...their family has needs..." On the thoughts came. I even told the giver that I had super-glued the old one and asked her if she still had the receipt. I caught myself. How wonderful was it that this person had gone out of her way for me? My broken church was a fleeting mention in a recent blog, yet this person had picked up on that and here was this awesome little church that will look so perfect with my village. (I had my daughter take a picture so you could all see it!) So, I received this beautiful church and the gift of friendship that it was wrapped in.

I struggle with receiving. A couple nights ago, I was arguing with my daughter over how much money she could spend on me for Christmas. She pointed her finger in my face and laughingly said, "YOU can't tell ME how much of MY OWN money I can spend on YOU!" Then I caught myself. As I looked at her face and the sparkle in her eyes, she was absolutely radiant with joy at being able to give me gifts for Christmas that she knows I have been wanting. I thought "How is it that this kid loves me so darn much?" And I recieved the real gift she was giving, the love and devotion she has for her mom, that will be wrapped up in the presents I open on Christmas morning.

I have done this with God. Early on, I had a hard time receiving from Him because I knew I wasn't good enough, or smart enough, or a hundred other enoughs that I came up with. I guess I also thought of Him as this distant powerful being who wanted to rule over me and maybe even squash me, little bug that I was in His shadow. But I came to discover that, for some reason I can't quite figure out, God desires ME! I love this--"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." (Zeph 3:17)

I have come to know that the same God who created my friend with the giving heart, who lit the sparkle in my daughter's eyes....laughs with joy over me, surrounds me with the loudest love songs. When I come into His presence I imagine the "A-ha! My Kathy is here!" look on His face. His displays of love make me speechless and breathless and I stand in awe at the wonder of it all.

So, for today...I recieve it all. I want it all. Friendship, a daughter's love, and the passion of an Almighty God that surpasses my ability to earn or fully understand. And I am humbled and grateful.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


"Z probably wouldn't want to support any teeth that weren't in her own mouth!"

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Haven't had a chance to post nor read my fav blogs in the past several days. Here are some of the things that have been happening or that I would have blogged about:

THE EX: Weekend before last, I was bringing the last items from my house (which were in the attic) over to where we are currently living. I came across my ex's golf clubs. I contemplated giving them away but my God-conscience wouldn't let me. He happened to be town, moving things from his old house to his new house in Kansas. I called him to come get them. Good thing. Turns out he was gonna ask me for them. (Thanks, Lord!) I found out yesterday that he took our daughter's car (my old one) for a test drive b/c it has lots wrong w/ it and he told her he would help her keep it up & running. He told her there was a problem w/ the battery and not to be surprised if she goes out one morning and it won't start. So much for helping her keep it up and running. Made me wish I gave those clubs away after all. (Sorry, Lord!)

HUNTERS: My church helps box and distribute food. One of the supervisors of the center where we volunteer, a Vietnam Vet, keeps a knife strapped to his leg. Turns out he is a hunter. I overheard him say this to another volunteer last week-"I don't eat horn." Good thing I figured out he was a hunter!
When I was pregnant, we gutted our one bathroom and retiled it. We had to have a port-a-potty on hand during the project. When I was cleaning out my attic, I came across it. I thought maybe we could use it when we went camping. The look on my daughter's face told me there would absolutely NOT be any port-a-potties in our tent. So I asked my boss, who is an avid hunter, if he wanted it. He was more than happy to get it. He and his brother had been trying to find one. Now I know what gift to get the hunters in my life! Who would have thought?

A BLUSTERY DAY: Last Friday was an incredibly windy day here in Michigan. I could hardly open my car door against the wind. Our power went out at work. Since I didn't have a computer available, I decided to mail our 800 plus customer Christmas cards. I had to take them to a specific post office. There was a long line inside, and I decided to use the outdoor mailbox. As soon as I started dropping the cards in, I noticed a lady impatiently waiting in her car behind me. I asked her if she wanted me to drop her few letters in as I would obviously be a long time. (I had my hatch open so the many, many cards were clearly visible.) Her frown turned to a huge smile and she thanked me, waving happily as she drove away. Wouldn't you know it, car after car came and I ended up doing that for about 10 different people before I could finish with my cards. It turned out to be a lot fun. Laughing and talking w/ all these strangers with the wind blowing like crazy. When I got back in my car, I remembered that I had a company work coat on with our 1-800 number emblazoned across the back. I thought, it was a good thing I decided to do that and not give our company a bad name. Then I wondered....what if I had had 1-800-IBELONGTOJESUS on the back?

CHRISTMAS: Most of the stuff from my attic was our Christmas decorations. I spent the past week putting everything up. We haven't had it up for a couple years and it looks beautiful! I dropped the church from my Christmas village and broke it. Even that couldn't dampen my spirits. I put cedar roping and huge red bows on the porch outside. This past weekend I indulged and bought myself the new Third Day Christmas CD. I absolutely love it and highly recommend it!!! I got an escrow check in the mail that I will be able to use toward buying presents. I have two different cookie exchanges coming up next week. In the next few days, my daughter will watch my all time fav Christmas movie with me, It's A Wonderful Life. Last night I watched Miracle On 34th Street. I never grow tired of the magic of these movies. I thought there could be a movie just for me entitled, Miracle In My Heart, telling the story of the magic and grace I have experienced from God through His gift of my redeemer, Jesus Christ. Ah yes, it is "a Wonderful Life"!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


"Thank you God, for Daddy, and Mommy, and Sister, and Grandma, and Grandpa........and Toys R Us!"
Image taken from here.

Monday, November 27, 2006


The voice of the Lord is over the waters: the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes Lebanon to skip like a calf, and Sirion like a young wild ox.

The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire.
The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.

The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare,
And in His temple all cry, "Glory!" (Psalm 29:3-9 ESV)

Your voice is dangerous. It shakes the earth. It commands. It is full of Your glory and power. It is unstoppable. What can stand before Your voice and not bow or break to its power? Can mountains? Can trees? Can oceans? Can man?

I long for Your voice. Shake the wilderness from my heart and strip bare those places where I hide sin. When You are quiet-I am more than broken-I am lost. There is nothing I desire more than You, Your voice. And with Your people I join in crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy is MY Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come."

Your voice...that You would grant me the favor of hearing Your voice every single day of days You have ordered for me. Could You? Let me hear Your voice every day that I live?

I forgot to save the sight I got this image from. My apologies.

Friday, November 24, 2006


It is Friday, the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. I am at work and weeping at my desk. The first thing I do each workday morning is check my email. Today I received an email--the subject line read, "He's coming home". It was from my friend who has a son doing his second tour in Iraq. He is a frontline soldier. He has seen the worst of things.

Just last week, I helped one of my co-workers out by booking his airfare online. He needed a return ticket because he was driving his son's truck to him. As I was booking the flight, my friend's son was on a plane, returning from Afghanistan. I have seen pictures of his bunker. I have heard stories from his dad. He has experienced hard things.

A couple months ago, Vicki Sue and I met our friend's girlfriend. She is a marine. She had just returned from a year in Iraq. We asked her questions and her answers amazed us. It was difficult to see this charming, beautiful woman and know that she had lived the life of a soldier and felt the death of war.

So, I am at my desk weeping because these are the soldiers that God had put on my heart to pray for. And they have come home (or will soon be) home safe. I am weeping for relief at their safety and weeping for the pain that others are feeling because their soldiers died doing their jobs.

Just a reminder...please be praying for the soldiers that you get asked to pray for. And for their families.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


A few weeks ago I was searching for something to read. Now, I am reading 3 books at once and that always makes me feel happy. Anyhow, my friend Tracey lent me a book about one of my personal heroes, Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie and her family were imprisoned in WWII for hiding Jews in their home. Her book (later made into a movie) "The Hiding Place", chronicles her family's story. The book I am reading now, however, was written about her by her personal assistant of many years after Tante Corrie's death. Corrie continues to inspire from it's pages. Below is one of my favorite excerpts, in which Corrie is responding to someone's comment that it was her faith that must have carried her through her imprisonment:

"My faith? I don't know about that...My faith was so weak, so unstable. It was hard to have faith. When a person is in a safe environment, having faith is easier. But in that camp when I saw my own sister and thousands of others starve to death, where I was surrounded by men and women who had training in cruelty, then I do not think it was my faith that helped me through. No, it was Jesus! He who said, 'I am with you until the end of the world.' It was His eternal arms that carried me through. He was my certainty.

If I tell you that it was my faith, you might say if you have to go through suffering, 'I don't have Corrie ten Boom's faith.' But if I tell you it was Jesus, then you can trust that He who helped me through will do the same for you. I have always believed it, but now I know from my own experience that His light is stronger than the deepest darkness." (pg. 114)

To those who are going through difficult times,
who feel they are unsafe and unprotected, uncared for and forgotten.....
I pray that Jesus will be your certainty.
His light is stronger than the deepest darkness!
Image taken from here.

Monday, November 20, 2006


FUNNY STORY #1: I had dinner on Saturday with my friends, Pam and Randy. They told me this story and it still has me laughing. Randy's birthday is the beginning of December. A couple of years ago, Pam got him a Wayne Watson cd as part of his present. When he opened it he said, "Oh thanks, hon!" and went on to express his delight with this gift. Three weeks later, right before Christmas, Pam noticed the cd, still unopened, sitting on his dresser. She thought it would be a funny joke to wrap it and put it in his Christmas stocking. On Christmas morning, he opened it and said, "Wayne Watson! This is great. Thanks hon." Still unopened, Randy received the same cd in his Easter basket, as part of his Father's Day gift, and then again on his next birthday. It showed up in his stocking that Christmas too. He was puzzled and said, "Hey, wait a minute..." but the rest of his sentence was drowned by the uncontrollable laugher of his family. After he heard the whole story from his wife, he said he had wondered why all his kids would howl with laughter every time he opened a present!

FUNNY STORY #2: My friend Tracey is a girlie girl. We tease her about wearing high heeled sandals to the beach. She is married and has three sons. He-Man husband and boys. Hunter kind of men. And this weekend was the opening of deer hunting (gun) season in Michigan. She told me today that she found a shot gun cartridge in the dryer. Only at her house would you find ammo in the laundry probably mixed in with something that has lace on it. They bow hunt too. I guess finding an arrow in the dryer would be even funnier.

Friday, November 17, 2006




"I suppose I should tell you the honest truth."
I overheard that a few days ago between two coworkers.


Tomorrow = positive.


Image taken from here

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I have owned 3 guitars in my lifetime. I always wanted to play an instrument but four kids in private school kept money limited. When my parents divorced, my mom bought me a second-hand guitar with the few bucks she scraped together.

Years later, I bought my second Alverez, steel stringed acoustic. A year or so into music lessons, I had a teacher that specialized in classical guitar. He encouraged me to give it a try. He helped me pick out my classic guitar and a whole new world opened up for me.

My soul opened up to the beauty of the sounds and harmonies of the music I played. I learned to feel the emotions in music. I loved the feel of this guitar, which is embraced...much differently than a steel string. It was with this guitar that I would play my own love songs to Jesus. If I close my eyes, I can still smell the wood.... Despite my love for music, my lessons, my hours of practice....I was only a mediocre musician. I am destined to be an appreciator of the gift rather than an owner of the gift.

My Alverez is somewhere in the mountains of South America. It was given to a tribe that had no instruments to use in their worship. My classic guitar now belongs to my daughter. She has the gift of music within.

Image taken from here.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Update: My co-worker, Eric, told me his daughter is now home from the hospital and doing better. Thanks to all who prayed for them!

Friday, November 10, 2006


"I took a shower and blew a soap bubble out of my nose but it got too big and popped in my eye. Now my eye itches."

Image taken from here

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


If you are an unhappy voter like my friend Aaron, DO NOT DESPAIR! The winds of change...they are a' blowing! Tina, who recently agreed to manage my run for public office, has already gotten off to a great start!

My position on education? Yes!
On the economy? Absolutely!
On foreign affairs? Surely!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Last Thursday started the beginning of a few crappy days for me. But in the middle of that, I experienced some magic:

Magical moment 1: Saturday night, after working in the yard all day long, I asked my daughter if she wanted to make a bonfire. By the time we gathered our wood, it was dark out. I tried to light the fire but couldn't keep it lit. I couldn't find any lighter fluid and couldn't get the gas can open. What to do...what to do?? I looked around the house for something combustible...why not oil? Ummm, all I had was olive oil. It didn't work too well. She looked at me and said, "We are such chicks. We just used olive oil to fuel a fire. " That cracked us both up. After mentally reviewing a few Survivor episodes, I finally did build a roaring fire. We laughed all night. Especially when I gave her this sage advice- "Ow...that was stupid...Never pick up a burning log!" More laughter. I administered first aid to myself using a bag of frozen spinach because we had no ice. We sat and watched the fire until only the embers were left, dancing their mystical glowing dance.

Magical moment 2: More yard work on Sunday. My daughter came out to help. We heard this tapping sound and I was sure it was a woodpecker. Sure enough, an hour later she spotted it in our tree. We quietly stood there for a long time, my arm draped over her shoulder, both of us looking up and just watching.

Magical moment 3: I am like a turtle when life gets crappy. I like to pull into my shell. You know, poke your head out a bit every once in awhile to see if it's "all clear"? I was spending some quiet time with God...reading Hebrews 12 when He reminded me to not grow weary, to shake off the things that were bothering me because I had come to what is unshakable! God communicating with me, teaching me, leading me, loving me, telling me just what I needed to hear....It is still such a wonder to me!

Image taken from here.


My co-worker Eric's daughter has been in the hospital for 4 days in Intesive Care because an EEG is showing she is having a seizure every 10 seconds on the left side of her brain- if it doesnt get under control...its something she could die from.

Please be praying for Eric, his daughter, and the rest of his family.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Why do you blog?

When I first started to blog, it was because I wanted to be a voice for divorced people. I think that divorce is so commonplace these days, so accepted, that often we forget what a devestating thing it is to try and navigate through.

But over time I have found that blogging has become something more. Sometimes I share my musings, sometimes I share my prayers, sometimes I share my story. But what I now have is this community of people I care about.

For me, this "blog world" has opened doors to friendships I most likely would not have had. I have friends who are teaching me about their countries, their cultures, their languages, and their politics. I have friends who are consistently wise, some incredibly talented, and some of you make me laugh so hard. I have read a book or listened to music that I would not have known about if it were not for you. I have considered the many who daily live with war after one friend responded to my 911 post. I have learned that it is proper to site the source you get your Google images from (which I promise to faithfully do from this post on out). I have heard about your children and grandchildren and smiled at their pictures. I find delight in seeing a new face drop in. I have been challenged to love Jesus better by some.
This morning it hit me that I truly care about you. I pray for you. I wonder about you when you don't show up for awhile. I look forward to reading what you have to share.
I don't know why God has intersected our lives or how we may support or change each other down the road. But I do wonder....what about you? Why do you blog?
Image taken from here.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Short post today. Last night I came home to find out that one of my neighbors committed suicide. The neighbor next to him tried to commit suicide just a few weeks before. To feel alone and abandoned and hopeless, so much so that you have no hope.....

Please be praying for these two families.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by mark haddon: This is a novel about Christopher Boone, who is autistic and a math genius. Christopher finds his neighbor's dog after it had been killed with a gardening fork. At first, Christopher is blamed. He goes about solving the mystery of who killed the dog, and in doing so, inadvertently solves another mystery that has greatly impacted his life. As we follow him in his investigation, we catch a glimpse of what it is like for someone with autism to navigate his world and relationships.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I was immediately caught up in the story line. So much so, that there was a very interesting and deliberate math twist in the writing of this book that I completely missed because I was engrossed in the characters. I knew there was a problem and flipped through the chapters noticing that something very odd was going on. There were HUGE clues. And, when it all was revealed a few chapters into the book, I had to laugh at myself for not getting it on my own. (Gosh, I am trying to be so careful and not give anything away!!) You will totally fall for Christopher. You will care about him and you will want him to succeed in his investigation. You will find him very brave and perhaps more insightful than others might give him credit for.
Haddon does a great job of portraying the autistic mind and thought process. I did see a lot of similarities with so-called "normal" minds though they might not be as pronounced in the average person. The need for structure for example--I listen to the radio on the way IN to work in the mornings and a CD on the way HOME from the office. Relationships--don't we all set definite boundaries in our relationships and aren't we protective of maintaining those boundaries? Don't we get upset when those boundaries have been crossed? Coping skills--we all have defaults in a crisis or stressful situation. We all have thresholds for socialization and feel the need to escape when we go over our limit.
I was disappointed that Haddon portrayed Christopher without any faith. I know that by making his main character a math genius with a very scientific and logical mind, Haddon may have felt that belief in God would have taken the story off track or made it unbelievable. I would have loved to have seen how Christopher would interact with God. Also, I found myself wishing that Christopher could talk to God about all the things he wondered and worried about, but more so, that he could have discussed the wonder of mathematics with the Creator of math. My mind is very simple, but I imagined that it would have been exhilarating for Christopher to ponder mathematical puzzles with God.
This book made me remember a boy I grew up with as a child. The son of a family friend, Peter was mildly autistic. But, I never knew until I was an adult. We interacted with him as if all was normal because no one told us differently. Peter was just Peter and my brothers and I just accepted that.
This is a good read, can be read in a day. I recommend it!

Monday, October 30, 2006


God took me on a treasure hunt this morning. First, we started here. Those questions just seemed to jump out at me, even though the rest of the psalm talks about who.
As I was mulling this over, God took me here. Earlier in this chapter, Micah restores 1,100 pieces of silver to his mother. She was so happy, she decides to dedicate 200 pieces of the silver to the Lord by having Micah get the silversmith to make a carved and a metal image. This went into the family shrine, and Micah ordained one of his sons to be his priest. He was pretty set with this arrangement until he met this young Levite from Bethlehem. He convinces the Levite to become his priest. As I left that chapter, I thought it appeared that Micah was pretty darn satisfied with himself for getting himself this priest and procuring the good graces of Almighty God. I could envision him puffing out his chest and patting himself on the back.
I wanted to keep reading about Micah, but God urged me forward again. And in the last place we visited, I found my Treasure!

X marks the spot!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


1. I saw Robert this week. He is doing well. Walking pretty good actually. I watched him cross Michigan Avenue and check the coin slot at the pay phone in the 7-11 parking lot. That made me smile for some reason. I now carry a box of large garbage bags in my car in case Robert has too many bottles for the smaller bags.

2. Speaking of my 7-11, my Hindu friends have just celebrated their New Year. I wished the owner Happy New Year earlier in the week, and now he always smiles and says hello to me. He always did say hello, but he didn't smile.

3. My daughter is learning a new piece of music. Aria in D Minor by JS Bach. The subtitle is: Enlightening Thoughts of a Tobacco Smoker. Isn't that a strange subtitle? I will have to have her play it so I can see what kind of picture this music paints for me. Maybe of some very old men with long white whiskers, sitting around an outdoor cafe, smoking cigars and pipes-pontificating? I will let you know! (One funny side note she pointed out...the last 3 notes were D-A-D. Her dad is quite a tobacco smoker so that is kind of humorous.)

4. My daughter is pretty grown up. But I still kiss her cheek and pray for her in the morning before I leave for work. Most of the time she sleeps right through it. Sometimes she says through her dreams, "Love you, Mom." I hope I live to be 100 and still can kiss my girl's cheek and pray for her in the mornings. I wonder if her husband will say, "Can't you keep your crazy mother out of our bedroom?" Hmmm, I hope I live to be 100 and am still mindful to pray for my daughter (and her husband) each morning from my own

5. My friend, Mandy, told me about her friend Tom who has great faith. You will want to read his post from October 23rd.

6. I am doing a Bible study with a group of friends. In preparation, we were to study First Corinthians 13:4-8. We were supposed to study each characteristic to determine how it could be applied in our lives. I recalled a tradition in the Roman Catholic church that I must have learned when I was little...of taking your right fist and lightly beating it against your chest 3 times as you repeated a prayer of contrition...I can't remember it exactly, and I might have this all wrong...but it went something like, "I have sinned in my heart, in my mind, and in my deeds." But that is what I felt like after reading the passage. Because I am not that. The Word led me to repentance.

7. I love autumn. It is my favorite time of year. I was an October bride. This year, I didn't even think of my wedding anniversary, until almost two weeks went by. Perhaps I am moving past surviving divorce to recovery. That is what my blog title was about. The Other Side of....Divorce. There are alot of "other sides" in life. I wonder what "other side" I will be focused on next?

8. I have made my list of books that you all recommended and am going to start reading from that list. I will let you know how I like them. Right now I have borrowed Confessions of a Reformission Rev by Mark Driscoll. I borrowed it from my pastor. This book is so good. I can't put it down. I like his honesty, insight, and vulnerability. I think it is a difficult thing to shepherd people. I have several pastors as close friends. This makes me want to pray for them all the more.

9. I have a headache. Sometimes I AM a headache. ;-)

10. Thanks for letting me ramble!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


The heart of a proud man breaking
The cry of a sinner seeking truth
The beat that your heart is making
The moment that true love crashes through
It's a beautiful sound
It's a beautiful sound
When the walls comes crashing down
And the chains fall to the ground
And the song we sing
Is the song of the redeemed
Of the lost who now are found
It's a beautiful sound
The hope that a dreamer whispers
The life in the laughter of a child
The silence that awe inspires
In the shadow of love that's strong and wild
It's a beautiful sound
It's a beautiful sound
When the walls come crashing down
And the chains fall to the ground
And the sond we sing
Is the song of the redeemed
Of the lost who now are found
It's a beautiful sound

*Written by Geoff Morre & Joel Hanson

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I googled "empty" because that was how I was feeling....empty. And look what I the middle of my emptiness, there YOU were. And now I am undone, because of You, Jesus...You have rescued me once again. And I know You will rescue me the next time I need rescuing...and the next....and the next. And now I am full...of gratitude for the rescue, of praise for Your excellent greatness, of strength to do what it is that You would have me to do, of love for You because of Your love for me. You are risen...just as You said, just as You said!

Monday, October 23, 2006


Hey all! First, thank you so much for praying for our team and our families. It is always a humbling thing to know that people are taking the time to pray for you, isn't it?

The Bootcamp was held at Terra Nova and was incredible! There was so much that I learned, that pierced my heart, that motivated me, that inspired me.....I don't think I can even do it justice to try to recount everything. So, I won't. But...I understand that you should be able to hear the same workshops at the Acts 29 website in a couple of weeks.

A couple of impressions though....I saw so much unity across denominations...just a bunch of servants...people who weren't paid to speak (and even paid their own expenses) who were so happy for the privilege of speaking into the lives of those who exploring the call of church planting. They set the bar high...excellence was modeled in individual lives and in the Network. And, it was all about Jesus. Loving Him, serving Him, and lifting His name up to and in the world that He has created and is redeeming.

I think I am left with two feelings...first, that of standing before something very beautiful and just breathing in that beauty. Second, the conviction that The Journey has indeed been ordained by God to bring the Gospel of good news to our community. Our mission is just beginning!

p.s. Almost done catching up on all your blogs. Missed your humor, your insight, your care and kindness, hearing about your lives - your concerns, and most of all, missed your friendship.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Several of us from Journey will be attending an Acts 29 church planters Boot Camp next week. Please be praying for us to have a safe trip, for our pastor and his wife as they are assessed as church planters, for our children and those who will watch over them for us, and for God to pour out His Spirit on our minds and hearts so that we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Rescuer, Jesus Christ!

See you in a week!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I love this song...A Beautiful Collision by David Crowder.

I want to tell you a story about one very beautiful collision. My sister-friend, Vicki Sue went to Mississippi with a group from our church to do some Hurricane Katrina relief work. She developed an instant connection with a couple, EJ and Lindsay. It was so strong, and so God-filled, that they decided that EJ should actually be her new brother, making Lindsay her new sister-in-law.

As their friendship grew, they began to discover some very interesting things. For example, one day Vicki Sue was talking about EJ's work and I said...."What company does he work for?" She told me. Then I said, "What is his last name?" She told me. Something jogged in my memory and I looked through my desk drawer. I pulled out a business card....EJ's business card! Several years before, when I had been in sales, I had gotten his card. I have no memory of meeting him or of having been to his company. Also, I passed all my leads on when I switched out of why would I have kept his card? And how odd that I would suddenly remember it after not having looked at it in over two years! How incredible is it that two people who had adopted Vicki Sue as "family" had collided, couldn't remember it, and had never known at the time that they would intersect again through their individually significant relationships with her.

Vicki Sue recently told me that Lindsay asked her where her old house was. It turns out that the guy who bought Vicki Sue's house about 5 years ago, had been engaged to Lindsay at one time.

We have been amazed by the number of incidents like these, in which God had been intersecting Vicki Sue's life with EJ and Lindsay's. The whole time, they all remained unaware that God had plans for them to remain connected and serve Him together in a new church plant, Journey.

This makes me wonder who God might be intersecting my life with, or yours, for some future time and place and purpose known only to Him. Or who I might be passing each day on my way to work, or in the grocery store, or even through blogging, whose heart has yet to collide with Jesus, their Rescuer. What a beautiful collision that will be!

The breaking makes a sound

I never knew could be

So beautiful and loud

Fury filled and we collide

So courageous until now

Fumbling and scared

So afraid You'll find me out,

Alone here with my doubt

Here it comes, a beautiful collision

Is happening now.

There seems no end to where You begin and there I am now

You and I collide

Something circling inside,

Spaciously you fly

Infinite and wide,

Like the moon and sky


Here it comes, a beautiful collision

Is happening now.

There seems no end to where you begin and there I am now

You and I, collide

Yeah Yeah Yeah

Here it comes, Here it comes, Here it comes now

Here it comes, Here it comes, Here it comes now

Here it comes, Here it comes, Here it comes now

CollideHere it comes, Here it comes now (You and I)

Here it comes, Here it comes now (You and I)

Here it comes, Here it comes, Here it comes now

Feel it coming on, Feel it coming on now,

Here it comes nowHere it comes, Here it comes, Here it comes now

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I spoke with Robert this morning. It was raining really hard when I got up, so I was hoping that he would be making his rounds a little later than usual. He was just leaving the parking lot when I pulled into the 7-11. He had to turn around and come back.

Besides bottles, I had an envelope for Robert that I had been carrying around for over a week, maybe two. My boss, who I also consider my brother, heard about Robert from Vicki Sue, so he brought in two huge garbage bags of bottles for him. I didn't see Robert for several days, so I decided to cash in the bottles for Robert. I told Robert about how the envelope came to be and reminded him that he had all kinds of people praying for him. He said that God indeed was good!

Robert looked good, better than he has in a long time...better than he did the first day I saw him hunting for bottles, although he did look a bit tired. Today, when I said good-bye, I reached out my hand to shake Robert's hand. He has a firm grip. Representing each of you who has come to care about Robert and representing our King, I said, "God bless you today, friend!" and then we both turned and went on our way.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I need some suggestions for my reading list. I like books. I normally have 2 to 3 books that I am reading at once. The last three books I read were Desiring God by John Piper and Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller and Luther's Commentary on Romans. Here is what I like:

Spiritual: You already saw a sample of this. Like stuff that makes you think. Or makes me cry. Or makes me stop and worship.

Romance: Not really for me unless it is from the classics....I have read all the works of Jane Austen. Loved Jane Eyre. Not that into French classic romance...too dark for me.

Historical Novels: Like these alot if the story line is not too corny.

Autobiographies and Biographies: Yes!

Futuristic: Nope.

Fantasy: Depends. Lord of the Rings...yes. Chronicles of Narnia....yes. Not my
favorite though.

Fiction & Mystery: I did enjoy the Da Vinci Code except the end...he lost me at the end. Like
most of John Grisham's works. Still love Mark Twain.


Series Books: Only recommend if the entire series is finished. Hate to wait for the next book to
come out!

History: Yes!

Political: ummmmmmm.....once in a while.

Can't wait for your suggestions!

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Just a reminder--
October is Pastor Appreciation Month!
Let's set aside some extra time
to pray for our
pastors, their wives, and kids!

Friday, October 06, 2006


Our dear friend, Peta, laid down the challange for us to learn her language, seeing that she always has to use ours. So, here is the first installment of our lessons. Let's see who can put some sentences together!

láska [lu:s-ka] love
Bůh [boo:-h] God
ahoj [u-hoy] hello / hi
jak se máš? [yuk ce maa:-sh] how are you
já [yaa:] I,
mety [pronouce shortly "tea"] you
on [aun] he
jídlo [yee-dlo] food
pití [pe-tee] drink(s)

By the way, my grandmother immigrated to the U.S.A. from Krakow, Poland, so I definately should have known "Jak se mas?" I took 2 semesters of Polish in college, and 3 years of Spanish in high school but sadly, I don't recall much from either. Shame on me!

Thanks, Peta...for helping me to become a student again. I hope to make my teacher proud!

Here is my first sentence:

Ja laska Buh!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


"...Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!" Psalm 150:2
And Jesus asks, "Who do you say I am?"
Jesus, I still don't know...fully, completely.
Tho' I long to know You more fully and more completely.
You are the Christ.
You are the Savior of the world.
You are the one can take Your place or stand in Your place.
You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
You are Most Holy.
You are Righteous.
You are God.
You are worthy of ALL praise.
You are the King of all Kings...ever.
You are a Consuming Fire.
You are Life.
You are Truth.
You are The Way.
And my soul must worship You.
Not because I can.
Not because I choose to.
But because You are Jesus.
And I worship YOU
Jesus Christ
Jesus the Christ
Most High and Holy God.
I love You.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Two conversations I had recently that just made me laugh at myself!

1) I went to the copier to...well, to make some copies. A newer employee, who happens to drive a straight truck for our company came up while I was making my copies.

Driver: Have we met? My name is Carl. (puts hand out to shake hands)
Me: (shakes hand.) Hi Carl. I am Kathy. I think we met, perhaps during your training. What's your number?
Driver:......(hesitation, with amused look on his face.)
Me:......(quizzical look & then light bulb goes on)....ummmmm, your DRIVER number!
(Now, every driver has a I would be 550 Kathy. Since we already have a Carl, I wanted to know this Carl's DRIVER number so that I would be able to distinguish between the two, over the radio or nextel, in the future. I WAS NOT asking him for his phone number!)
Driver & Me: (small talk while I try to keep a straight face and finish my copies.)
Me: (back in office w/ door shut.)HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) Talking to my daughter. For some reason that I cannot remember, I asked her about an incident that had happened when she was much, much younger in which MY mom, HER grandmother had assumed she didn't know the meaning of a word. I couldn't remember the word but knew it had something to do with animals and maybe winter. I asked what the word was, was it a bear? a penguin? a buffalo? This only confused her until.....

DrmWithinADrm1: a bear?
DrmWithinADrm1: a penguin?
DrmWithinADrm1: buffalo?
DrmWithinADrm1: uuhh hybernation?
DrmWithinADrm1: oh yea that was it
kaymac550: lol
kaymac550: i have to blog on that tomorrow
DrmWithinADrm1: seriously though
DrmWithinADrm1: a bear is understandable
DrmWithinADrm1: its pretty close
DrmWithinADrm1: but penguin and buffalo?
DrmWithinADrm1: where did you pull that out of?
kaymac550: i have noo clue
kaymac550: that is just how my mind works
kaymac550: just like a steel trap
kaymac550: sharp
kaymac550: bright
kaymac550: strong
kaymac550: i am just an intellectual
kaymac550: lol

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


If I could, I would love to be a fly on the wall, listening to my blogger friends discussing a subject, even something as simple as the weather! Mike Tina Maximo Angela

They are all extremely intelligent and often have an interesting take that makes me stop and think, and you just can't beat their senses of humor.

P.S. Angela, as you can see...I still cannot do that link thing that you have been trying to teach me.

Monday, October 02, 2006


My brother Mike, the youngest of 4 kids, was a skinny red-headed imp with a King Kong sized imagination. By the time he hit high school, he developed muscles and played varsity football starting his sophmore year. He went from scrawny to GQ. He had it all...brains, looks, personality, and a sense of humor. I thought of the four us, he would be the one who be the star, the success, the president of some company with a wife and 2.5 kids and the house with the white picket fence.

Early in his college career, I knew something wasn't adding up. I found out years later when he confided in me, that a very private and devestating tragedy had derailed my brother. He went through the pain of this crisis alone. None of us knew why Mike the Superstar, was unfocused and seemingly unmotivated. Many in my family looked down on him for wasting his life. I just wish I had known earlier to have helped shoulder his burden, just as he has always helped to shoulder mine.

When the movie "Uncle Buck" came out, I had to laugh. Uncle Buck was my brother! Unfocused, meandering through life, uncommitted....but also caring, and kind, and totally, outrageously fun! He was the favorite uncle, who could be counted on for the most unusual and captivating gifts or outings.

Mike eventually met a woman whom he married. He became step-father to 2 adolescent boys and a cute little girl with curly red-hair who looked just like Little Orphan Annie. Blending families is a tough thing and there have been times that I have had to tell Mike I thought he was being too rigid and demanding with the kids. Or that his teasing was over the top. But Mike has also been there for every parent/teacher conference, every birthday, every graduation and most of the in-between, day-to-day stuff. I know it hurts him when the kids seem to prioritize their biological dad over him. I also know that he knows that if any of the kids are in trouble, he is who they turn to first.

Last night, Mike made sure that his youngest, his daughter Katie, had a wonderful party for her 21st birthday. When she opened her presents, his gift was last. He made a little speech about how special this occassion was and how he had wanted to get her something for her 21st birthday that she would have for always. He gave her a long box which we all knew could only hold jewelry. Katie opened it to find the most gaudy and hideous pink and silver bracelet that was ever made. She hid her disappointment and politely thanked him. In true Uncle Buck fashion, he told her the first was a joke, and gave her a 2nd box. Inside was a delicate and beautiful diamond necklace...the kind of necklace she will cherish and hand down to a future daughter or daughter-in-law.

I was proud of my brother last night. I am proud of my brother and the man he has become. And I love it that Uncle Mike still has a bit of the Uncle Buck left that he shares with us from time to time.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Bye Vicki Sue! I miss you already! =(